While the process of cremation services in Simi Valley, CA. has remained the same, the options for things to do with the remains afterwards has not. It used to be that the ashes of your loved one were either kept in an urn or scattered and released back into nature. However, today there are a ton of options for families and individuals to choose from. We are going to look at some of these newer ways remains can be handled.
Going Green
With more and more people becoming environmentally conscious, there are new ways popping up every day that allow the remains to be “green”. One way is to place the ashes in a biodegradable urn and plant them with a tree. This not only helps the environment, but also creates a lovely tribute you can visit and watch grow over the years.
Another green option is to have the remains grow a coral reef. This can be done by companies that use a portion of your loved one’s ashes and mixes them with an environmentally safe cement formula that creates artificial reef formations.
Into the Great Beyond
Was your loved one a fan of space? Did they love sci-fi or always want to be an astronaut? If so, consider sending their ashes into space. There are companies today that work alongside astronauts and real space missions to send a portion of your loved one’s ashes into the space. These remains can be sent to the moon, the earth’s orbit, or even further into deep space.
Even better, there are packages that families can purchase that include tours of the launch facilities and the opportunity to meet and talk with actual astronauts.
Creating a Piece of Jewelry
If you would like to wear a portion of your loved one’s remains, that can be done as well…and in a couple of ways. First, with cremation jewelry. This jewelry is like any other type except that it will house a pocket or chamber that you will fill with a small amount of your loved one’s ashes. These pieces of jewelry can be purchased as bracelets, necklaces, rings and more such as keychains and charms.
Another way you can wear your loved one’s ashes in jewelry is to have a stone made from them. One such stone is made from glass and is created by mixing a portion of the ashes into the molten glass before it is formed and cooled. The glass stone can then be used in a jewelry setting.
If you would like something with a little more bling, you can have an actual diamond made from the ashes. This is done by companies who replicate natural conditions in their lab and transform a portion of the ashes into an actual diamond.
Final Thoughts
While these are some interesting ways you can use your loved one’s remains, this is by no means, all of the ways. From cremation tattoos, to turning the remains into a vinyl record, there are a ton of unique and unconventional options. To learn more about your options with cremation services in Simi Valley, CA., give us a call as we are happy to discuss all of your options.